Transactional SMS | Transactional SMS Gateway | Transactional SMS Service

DLT, that stands for Distributors ledger technology.

If you have had any Bulk SMS sending requirement from a while then you must have heard about the DLT registration.

For the past month, this name has been quite in the air. Certainly, the business and assets have got worried about this new bulk SMS marketing rule that came into action. Don’t put yourself in any kind of Dilemma, we are here to resolve all your queries.


For all your unanswered and unresolved queries, we are here to provide the full guidelines regarding SMS marketing following the new rule implemented by TRAI. From the process of registration to verification of the content.

The buzz started when TRAI (Telecom regulatory authority of India) brought up the new rule related to the bulk SMS services. Although, the rule was invoked in 2018 but implemented from 1st of June, 2020.

According to the new rule any bulk SMSs you send across to your customers for SMS marketing via bulk SMS service providers (Mobishastra) with the specific sender Id, user needs to get that Sender ID & the content approved on DLT platform. The user or the entity and the bulk SMS provider who is sending the messages also needs to get their KYC done and then register with their telecom operators.  


What is DLT & why the rule has been implemented?

DLT is a digital platform that helps keep the record for the sequence of information exchange of the assets, here the transaction records are saved at different platforms & multiple digital channels wherein, the sharing of information entered in the panel will be managed through blockchain technology. Here, the details will be shared on the panel and the entities on the panel will be interconnected with each other.

Earlier the sending of bulk SMS or doing SMS marketing was easy as the access for sender ID approval was granted to the telemarketing or SMS marketing companies, from where you have bought the messages or taken the bulk SMS marketing service and the telemarketers  were directly connected to the telecom operators that provided the access to send messages, through the operator the SMS traffic was directly sent to the customers.

The problem with this was many fake and spam messages were being sent to the customers and the sender was unable to be tracked as there were no track records, with the blockchain technologies the informative transaction will be shared to every assets and entities of the panel and we will be able to track the records. The reason for implementing the rule for DLT registration was to decrease the spam message spread in the market and eradicate the threat of cheating and scamming.

With the registered sender ID there will be few protocols following that one sender ID couldn’t be used by the other user. A specific Sender ID will be generated for every individual user while registering on DLT.



Impact of TRAI’s New Rule for Bulk SMS Marketing

Many users and SMS companies are in a dilemma right now, is this going to affect the SMS marketing business? But, the answer is a big ‘NO’.

Every new changes and rules seem as a threat before implementation but, this will be for the long-term benefits of the bulk SMS services. Perhaps the charges have increased but this will change the stereotype for SMS marketing forever. This will give a space for the SMS campaigning and customer reliance.

The SMS marketing companies will have a slight increase of 2.5 paisa in the charges payable to the telecom operators. For a custom sender ID, the user entity will have to register for 5900 INR with a validation of one year, resulting into a fake free SMS campaign and distant from any legit.



Benefits of the New rule for SMS marketing.

With this new implementation to the Bulk SMS marketing, SMS will be fraudulent free and bring transparency in the unorganized SMS industry. For the companies and firms, it will be very beneficial as the registration process will eliminate the unrecognized and counterfeited competition from the market and will create a huge space in the world of promotional SMS marketing by decreasing the competition in the market.  

The fake free commercial services will increase the customers’ reliability and trust over the entities and specify the brand in the market. Your Data transaction will be shared to all the participants of the panel that will keep a backup for you in case you lose the information.



User Guidelines following the protocol;

·         As per the new protocol the sender ID will no longer be approved by the telemarketer, in spite the sender ID will be approved by the ‘Telecom Operators’ directly. One sender ID will be used by a single entity and not by the others. That means the accountability for any kind of irregularity or any consequences will be faced by the user.

·         The new rule will enhance the data security and will remove fraudulence through SMS completely, as the data transaction will be shared through multiple channels to the participant entities on the panel. This will help keep the track of the SMS sender.

·         You can only send a message to the end customers via any bulk SMS service provider only when your sender ID is approved by the telecom operators on DLT platforms.

·         You can register on the DLT platforms by visiting different telecom operators’ sites,while registering you will be asked for the credentials for the verification and KYC for your custom Sender Id of the company.

·         You will have to do the sender Id registration once every year and you will be able to do the SMS marketing with influence & enhanced representation with data security assurance & end user reliability.


Let’s Know the consequences.

According to the most recent TRAI rules, each Business or user (Principal Entity) and Bulk SMS Service Provider (Telemarketer) will currently need to enlist with the Telecom Operators (Access Providers) to keep sending SMS to their customers. The enlistment is to be done in the DLT stage. DLT online framework will keep up the record of everything on the board. It is a common database board which will be directed utilizing Blockchain innovation and all the elements present in the board will be interconnected with one another.

As per the new guidelines the principal entity will have to get the sender ID and the message content both to have registered on DLT. TRAI has formulated the guidelines to enhance control, prevent any fraudulent practice and provide greater safety to the end customer. As per the revised TRAI guidelines, the companies who want to communicate with their customers will now have to register themselves with Telecom Operators for sending SMS. The Businesses and Bulk SMS Service Providers will be accountable to telecom operators.

Though the fact is that the business and researchers are endeavouring to settle the innovative and operational issues that DLT frameworks face. This article needs to add to the open strategy banter by introducing potential administrative boundaries that may must be expelled for DLT to be completely embraced. Likewise, it distinguishes regions requiring an update of the legitimate system.

Mobishastra Bulk SMS Marketing service

Mobishastra bulk SMS services has updated its services for Bulk SMS marketing according to the new TRAI’s DLT registration platform. With the upgraded changes in the SMS business the companies and firms can register their sender ID and further can approach for the bulk SMS services via Mobishastra. For registering on to DLT you can visit any of the sites below and register for custom sender ID;

·         A

·         B

·         C

Mobishastra bulk SMS services will completely provide you the guidance regarding the registration and any of your queries will be resolved here.

With more than a decade of experience we have given our customers every feature and facility relevant to SMS marketing services. For small enterprises to big entities we are here to provide you the cost effective and secure SMS marketing services.

Send numerous messages to as many customers you want in any segment of India via Mobishastra bulk SMS services.  






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